
Mission 72 is located in the East Goshen neighborhood on top of the hill. In fact, there is a long history of the "church on the hill" and if you're interested, ask Pastor James about it sometime!

Please enter through the doors on the side addition. The front doors facing Dykstra lead to another organization that shares our space on Sunday mornings. 


Our Sunday service starts at 10:00am and will typically last until noon.

What to expect?

You are welcome no matter what. You don't have to be something or do something to be welcomed here. We will accept you just as you are.

We encourage you to read over our Beliefs.

We offer programs for children ages 4-11 during the service, but you are welcome to have your kids stay with you if you would like. For more details and information, please visit our Children's Ministry page.

If you would like to get connected or learn more about who we are and how we interact with our community, please take a moment to fill out our Communication Card and a member of our team will reach out to you!

Fill out the Communication Card
Communication Card
Can we stay in contact with you?
Fill out the Card